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Papers and Posters Presented

Barry, J, Elbroch, M, Quigley, H, Grigione, M, Sarno, R. Oral Presentation. Mountain Lions Support Beetle Biodiversity through Predation. 97th Annual Meeting: American Society of Mammalogists. Moscow, ID. June 2017.


Barry, J, Elbroch, M, Quigley, H, Grigione, M, Sarno, R. Poster. Mountain Lions Support Beetle Biodiversity through Predation. 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, CO. May 2017.


Barry, J, Elbroch, M, Quigley, H, Grigione, M, Sarno, R. Poster. Mountain Lions Support Beetle Biodiversity through Predation. 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, CO. May 2017.


Elbroch, M, Quigley, H, Sarno, R. Oral Presentation. 15 years of Pumas. Panthera Foundation. New York, NY. April 2017.


Sarno, RJ, Grigione, MM, Childers, E, Ecoffey, T, Higa A. Poster. The association between continual,

year-round hunting and bellowing rate of bison bulls during the rut. Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Research Symposium-NSF, Washington, DC. March, 2016.


Sarno, RJ, Grigione, MM, Childers, E, Ecoffey, T, Higa A. Poster. The association between continual,

year-round hunting and bellowing rate of bison bulls during the rut. First Americans Land-Grant Consortium (FALCON), Denver, CO. November, 2015.


Sarno, R.J., Grigione, M.M., Parsons, M.H., Parsons, F.E., Ecoffey, T., Higa, A., Childers, E. Poster. The indirect influence of hunting on the reproductive ecology of Plains bison (Bison bison). First Americans Land-Grant Consortium (FALCON) Conference. Denver, CO. November 2015.


Grieb, S, Krause M, Sarno RJ. Oral Presentation. Vkorc1 mutations associated with rodenticide resistance in Rattus norvegicus in the New York City area. International Urban Wildlife Conference, Chicago, IL. May  2015.


Grieb, S, Krause M, Sarno RJ. Poster. Vkorc1 mutations associated with rodenticide resistance in Rattus norvegicus in the New York City area. Sigma Xi Northeastern Conference, Danbury CT. April 2015.


Sarno, R.J., Gonzalez, B., C. Bonacic, B. Zapata, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson. Invited Speaker. Molecular genetic evidence for social group disruption of wild vicunas Vicugna vicugna captured for wool harvest in Chile. Peking University and Shan Shui Conservation Center, Beijng China. August 2014.


Baglieri M, M.M. Grigione, R.J. Sarno, L. Ries. Poster. The Feeding Ecology of Non-Native Red Fox

(Vulpes Vulpes ) on an Atlantic Barrier Island. American Society of Mammalogists. Philadelphia, PA. June 2013.


Baglieri M, M.M. Grigione, R.J. Sarno, L. Ries. Poster. The Feeding Ecology of Non-Native Red Fox

(Vulpes Vulpes ) on an Atlantic Barrier Island. The Northeast Natural History Conference. Springfield, MA. April 2013.


Sarno, RJ. Agonistic interactions among Piping Plovers and American Oystercatchers on long Island

Invited Speaker. Plover End-of-Year Workshop. Patchogue, NY. 11 August 2011.


Almeida, A and R.J. Sarno. Poster. Assessing damage to small businesses by mice and rats in Chinatown,

Lower Manhattan, New York. The 25th annual Statewide Collegiate Science and Technology Entry

Program (CSTEP) Student Conference. Lake George, NY. April 2011


Sarno, R.J., Gonzalez, B., C. Bonacic, B. Zapata, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson. Invited Speaker. Molecular genetic evidence

for social group disruption of wild vicunas Vicugna vicugna captured for wool harvest in Chile. Hofstra University

Biology Department. February 2010.


Sarno, R.J., M.S. Bank, H.A. Stern, and W.L. Franklin. Invited Speaker. Forced dispersal of juvenile guanacos:

timing, individual fates, and causation. Department of Ecology and Evolution, StonyBrook University,

StonyBrook, NY October 2009.


Sarno, RJ., Grigione, MM., Roth, O. Invited Speaker. Puma predation on sheep in the region of Torres del Paine

National Park: a  UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Magallanes, Chile: Conserving top predators and local

livelihoods. 10th International Mammalogical Conference. Mendoza, Argentina. August 2009.


Gonzalez, BA., Sarno, RJ, Johnson, WE, Bruford, MW, Wheeler, JC, Winsetock, J, Marin, JC. Oral Presentation Molecular ecology of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) in the high Andes. 10th International  Mammalogical  Conference. Mendoza, Argentina. August 2009.


Sarno, R.J., M.S. Bank, H.A. Stern, and W.L. Franklin. Invited Speaker. Forced dispersal of juvenile guanacos: timing, individual fates, and causation.Hofstra's Summer Science Research Program, Hempstead, NY, July 2009.


Sarno, RJ. Invited Speaker. Puma predation on sheep in the region of Torres del Paine National Park: a

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Magallanes, Chile: Conserving top predators and local livelihoods. The

Chilean Agriculture and Livestock Service and Ranching Community of Torres del Paine, Cerro Castillo,                Chile, August 2008.


Grigione, M.M., Clavio, S., Manning, D. and R.J. Sarno. Poster. Coyote diet, parasites, and genetic structure in protected and urban areas, Florida. The Northeast Natural History Conference X. Albany, New York. April 2008.


Sarno, R.J., M.S. Bank, H.A. Stern, and W.L. Franklin. Invited Speaker. Forced dispersal of juvenile guanacos: timing, individual fates, and causation. Department of Biology, Queens College, Flushing, NY March 2008.


Sarno, R.J. and M.M. Grigione. Invited Speaker. Interactions between Puma and Sheep: An applied investigation. University of Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile. August 2007.


Sarno, R.J. and M.M. Grigione. Invited Speaker. Identification of potential predators of domestic livestock in Chile. Chilean Ministry of Agriculture. Punta Arenas, Chile. August 2007.


Mueller, M., Grigione, M.M., Sarno, R.J. and R. Mrykalo. Invited Speaker. Distribution and habitat characterization of the Florida Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia floridana) in non-urban areas. Audubon Society. St. Petersburg, FL. October 2006.


Sarno, R.J., C. Bonacic, B. Gonzalez, B. Zapata, S. J. O’Brien, and W. E. Johnson.  Oral Presentation. The capture and shearing of vicuñas, Vicugna vicugna, for sustainable use and its apparent social group disruption. 85th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. 2006


Sarno, R.J., M.S. Bank, H.A. Stern, and W.L. Franklin. Invited Speaker. Forced dispersal of juvenile guanacos: timing, individual fates, and causation. Department of Biology, C.W. Post University, Long Island, NY May 2004.


Sarno, R.J., W.L. Franklin, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson.  Invited Speaker.  Juvenile survival, genetic variation, and conservation of guanacos in southern Chile.  Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, May 2003.


Grigione, M.M., Rushton, J.K., Sarno, R.J.  Invited Speaker. Conservation and economic utilization of vicuñas in Bolivia. Globalization Research Center, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. September 2002.


Sarno, R.J., W.L. Franklin, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson. Invited Speaker. Assessing genetic differentiation    between an island and mainland population of guanacos in southern Chile utilizing mtDNA and microsatellite markers.  Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alaska-Anchorage, Anchorage, AK, May 2002.


Sarno, R.J., M.S. Bank, H.A. Stern, and W.L. Franklin. Invited Speaker. Forced dispersal of juvenile guanacos:  timing, individual fates, and causation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, February 2002.


Sarno, R.J., W.L. Franklin, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson.  Invited Speaker. Conservation Genetics of the wild South American Camelids.  Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, March 2001.


Sarno, R.J., W.L. Franklin, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson.  Invited Speaker. Conservation Genetics of the wild South American Camelids.  Department of Biology, Miami University-Ohio, Oxford, OH, February 2001.


Sarno, R.J., W.L. Franklin, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson.  Invited Speaker. Conservation Genetics of the wild South American Camelids.  Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, January 2001.


Sarno, R.J., W.L. Franklin, S.J. O’Brien, and W.E. Johnson.  Invited Speaker.  Juvenile survival, genetic variation, and conservation of guanacos in southern Chile.  Department of Wildlife, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI, December  2000.


Sarno, R.J. Invited Speaker. Ecological genetics of the wild South American Camelids. Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, April 2000.


Sarno, R.J., L. Villalba, C. Bonacic, B. Gonzalez, B. Zapata, D.W. MacDonald, S. J. O’Brien, and W. E. Johnson. Oral Presentation. Phylogeography and subspecies assessment of vicuñas in Chile and Bolivia utilizing mtDNA   and microsatellite  markers: implications for vicuña conservation and management. Society for Evolution. Knoxville, TN, June 2000.


Sarno, R.J., W.E. Johnson, and S.J. O'Brien. Oral Presentation. Subspecies status of the vicuña utilizing mtDNA and nuclear markers. American Genetics Association/Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, New Haven, CT, June, 2000.


Sarno, R.J., W.L. Franklin, W.E. Johnson, and S.J. O'Brien.  Oral Presentation. Assessing genetic differentiation between an island   and mainland population of guanacos in southern Chile utilizing mtDNA and microsatellite markers. 79th      Meeting of The American Society of Mammalogists, Seattle, WA. June, 1999.  American Genetics Association, State College, PA. May, 1999.


Sarno, R.J., W.E. Johnson, and S.J. O'Brien. Invited Speaker. The molecular genetics of South American camelids. NOAHS Days, Smithsonian Institute Conservation and Research Center, Front Royal, VA. May 1999.


Sarno, R.J., W.E. Johnson, and S.J. O'Brien. Invited Speaker. Identification of microsatellite loci in the South American camelids: management, conservation, and evolutionary implications. 5th International workshop on South American camelids. Santiago, Chile. November, 1998.


Sarno, R.J.  Maternal expenditure and the resolution of adult-offspring conflict in the guanaco. Invited SpeakerMuseum of Natural History, La Paz, Bolivia. November, 1997. 

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Updated 2015

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